Believe It or Not But This 30 Story Building Is Actually Built In 15 Days.

Building a building really takes time especially if you want it to be fully furnished. As such, this could also be a safer place for everybody for safety purposes.

But as I’ve seen this video, I wonder, is it really possible to make or build a building in a matter of 15 days? How could the construction then? I mean, how hard work had been for those workers who had worked in that building.

Well, this video is actually a time lapse showing the construction of a 30 story tall hotel. This is made possible by the Chinese sustainable building company, Broad Group. And of course, as you’ll see and think of it, you’ll really ask if it is safe. Find out what on the video below.

But as it goes, it really looks like safe and a fully furnished building. Well, I guess, this had become possible because of their great manpower who had worked hand in hand to make it real. And even if it looks like impossible, this 30 story building is actually done in the span of 15 days.

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