Red Flags In Relationship You Must Watch Out For

Red Flags In Relationship

What are these red flags in relationship you must not ignore? If you’re gut is telling you something is wrong, you must listen to it and must watch out for these red flags in relationship to save yourself from deeper pain. We are told to steer people away or avoid people who displays “red flags”. … Read more

Maureen Gullet’s Daughter ‘Rosemary’ Left With No Trace, What The Mother Found After 6 Months Surprised Her

Maureen Gullet

Maureen Gullet’s daughter Rosemary disappeared. Maureen Gullet is a loving mother who, just like most moms out there, would do anything for her children. She has several kids and her eldest, Rosemary, is already fourteen years old. The loving mom is very happy with her children including Rosemary. However, things quite changed as Rosemary began … Read more

Quick And Easy Hair Solution To Heal Your Dull And Dry Hair!

Quick And Easy Hair Solution To Heal Your Dull And Dry Hair!

Survey says women don’t feel like themselves when they are having a bad hair day. More of women are always making sure that their hair looks good as it’s one of their biggest concern when making a good impression. According to a new survey from sexy hair, 42 percent of women said that a sexy … Read more

Safe Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dark Underarms

Dark coloration of the skin

Dark coloration of the skin in the underarm region is usually not a disease or a medical condition. Some of the causes of dark underarms are shaving, regular use of hair removing creams, excessive sweating, poor ventilation of underarms, accumulation of dead skin cells, and use of alcohol-based deodorants and antiperspirants. Dark underarms are quite … Read more