Kids Are Too Honest! And These Letters Are The Perfect Evidences! Quite Funny But True!

When talking of honesty, I’m sure and believe that children are the cream of the crop on it. Because of their innocence of the world’s happenings, they find it more easy to talk of what they feel no matter how indifferent it may sound for us, and when we got no time to hear their every plea, writing their emotions in a diary or in a note is their very best vent.

Sometimes, as we read their knock-it-off-tell-it-all message, we find ourselves surprised, questioning ourselves of what we’ve done in them that made them feel like what they’re trying to say in their message. And sometimes, though it may sound ridiculous, we often laugh of how they grammatically wrote the letter, but in the end of the day, their candidness somehow teaches us to be more conspicuous with them.

Have your moment with these kids’ messages below:

I’m the boss here, Mom!

kid message1

Too rough, teacher..

kid message2

That doctor-to-be!

kid message3

I’m on diet!Ā šŸ™

kid message4

I got no money for you then!

kid message5

Oh, my!

kid message6

Pretty hopeful!

kid message7

Too obscene, kiddo!

kid message8

Should I say ‘thanks’?!

kid message9

He just can’t help it.. anymore!

kid message10

Now you gotta run!

kid message11

Quite a revenge, Mommy?!

kid message12

You just got told, man! HAHA..

kid message13

The escape plan didn’t happen!

kid message14

He badly needs a doctor..

kid message15

I’m now in ‘conscious’ state, Mrs. e..

kid message16

They’re quite best of friends!

kid message17

Don’t you dare!

kid message18

He’s little worried on his brother..’s doing!

kid message19

Oh! He’s quite a guardian angel, or a stalker?!

kid message20

Here comes the death.. with a smiling face!

kid message21

Very emotional..

kid message22

He’s an avid fan of Shakespeare!

kid message23

Yeah, Chad.. LIGHTEN UP!

kid message24

Tips for having a girlfriend are..

kid message25

He’s just really sorry.. but I’m sorry he can’t say it!

kid message26

Oh! the hopes are gone!

kid message27

OMG! The assassination didn’t happen!

kid message28

She’s in prison now, I just hope..

kid message29

Wait.. your parents let you watch this?! OH, MY!

kid message30

No! He’s two-timer!

kid message31

You should brush your teeth too! Tooth Fairy might get your diamond earrings!

kid message32

The lolepop BIG fight!

kid message33

This kid is dreaming.. not good, though.

kid message34

She’s got a break-up letter, how about yours?

kid message35

How did they know this?!

kid message36

Duh lol lmao wut?! Just bored in class!Ā 

kid message37

You’re just hitting him!

kid message38

She’s really mad!

kid message39

You’re beautiful, really.. but sorry, he just can’t draw..

kid message40

Though some kids have that jot-it-down method of conveying their sentiments, a more open and without any pretension talk is more appropriate to deal with kids’ emotions. Try to have more time with them so that any of theseĀ negative notes will never be written again.

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