Clive Cooper’s 15 Extreme and Freaky Watermelon Carving Will Surely Make You Say Wow!

At first, I never thought that the whole watermelon could have this fabulous and amazing results once it was carve, however Vancouver-based food sculptor Clive Cooper of Sparksfly Design, made it possible as he gorgeously and solidly give life at these 15 watermelons by means of manual carving.

On the other hand, the moment you see the watermelon carving designs of Clive Cooper, you will absolutely amaze how he used his playful and imaginative ways in creating such freaky things, including the alligator’s head, Norse Viking and the monstrous faces of this various characters.

#1. Crazy grinning monster watermelon carving by Clive Cooper

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#2. Clive Cooper’s rather comical “old melon head.”

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#3. Clive Cooper’s wizened coal miner carving.

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#4. This Norse Viking version of Clive Cooper was carved in June 12, 2012.

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#5. Clive Cooper carved this Anime warrior in April 15, 2014, while the other side can be use as pumpkins at the Halloween.

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#6. Absolutely unusual carving of Clive Cooper. 

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#7. Clive Cooper’s version of “Brazilian Jungle Head.”

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#8. Look at Clive Cooper’s Baboon watermelon carving and the amazing jaw of this  white shark.

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#9. Clive Cooper’s extreme and scary watermelon carving of a cyborg skull.

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#10. This was Clive Cooper’s version of a staring man character.

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#11. Clive Cooper entitled this watermelon carving as “Sun Damage.”

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#12. Clive Cooper consider this watermelon carving as extreme and freaky.

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#13. Clive Cooper fabulously carved the bear which he dubbed as “Spirit Bear Watermelon.”

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#14.  Clive Cooper created this alligator carving in May 28, 2014.

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#15. Clive Cooper entitled this watermelon carving as  “Grimace Head.”

watermelon carving

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