How Long Food Can Still Be Good To Eat? Particular About Expiration Dates? It May Help. Watch This!

In every food, there’s an expiration and best before date. But how can this dates affect us?

Well, expiration dates can also be shelf life of a certain commodity specially goods. It is the length of time that a commodity may be stored without becoming unfit for use or consumption. It somewhat differs to “best before” date. So look at carefully. Sometimes, you are just eating food that are actually not good to eat anymore.

Watch this video.

This video gives information on how long a certain food can be best to eat.

First is the ground meat. It is best to eat after 1 or 2 days of purchase. However, if frozen, it will last for 3- 4 months.

Next are the egg, chicken, tuna and macaroni salad. It’s still good to eat for about 3-5 days after you bought it. Just throw it after 5 days if you still did not eat it.

Opened hot dogs are only good after 1 week. Eggs are good to eat after 3-5 weeks after you bought it.

Pasteurized milk can only last for 1 week after you bought it. But if it already taste and smells bad, just throw it around.That’s the best rule for every food.

Cooked meat left overs can only be eaten for 3-4 days.

Bacon for 7 days after purchase.

Butter is still good up to 2 weeks after it’s expiration date. If frozen, it can last for about 9 months.

The last thing is the left over pizza. It’s still good to eat after 3-4 days. After it, just throw it away.

Bottom line in here is that, we always have to be careful in the food we ate. If the food or or any other commodity already smells and taste bad, it would be better if you just throw it. Just a friendly reminder. Enjoy watching.

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