Meet The Boy Who Was Tagged As The ‘Werewolf Boy.’

In the humble village of Indonesia, a boy is revered as a Hindu God by locals referring him as a blessing from God. Muhammad Raihan though is different from the other local boys of his age, his feature makes him different from the rest.

The 13-year-old boy is covered with thick black hair from head to toe. Behind his unique condition, Raihan rejected the medical treatment. Called as a werewolf, the hair in his body would grow up three inches long which is caused by a rare condition.

The werewolf syndrome is a very rare condition, and in the history, only few were documented to have one in the world. It is a genetic mutation that results to the sprouting of thick hair on the faces and body.

Particularl that he is really different from the other kids, even some of his peers liken him to the Hindu monkey God, Raihan is not different from his family and said that his condition has filled him with much confidence.

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Video from Caters TV

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