Surprisingly, These Unusual Exercises Could Actually Make You Smarter.

Aside from exercising our bodies to be physical fit and able to sustain our long day work, our brains too need some exercises for it be mentally alert and ready. Neurobics refer to mental exercises which involve thinking or give your brain a “workout.”

Neurobics involve sight, sound, taste and smell that all resonate to the mind. While we are regularly exercising out body, it is a must that we should also try working our mind to stimulate the growth of new neuronal connections.

Doing this eventually strengthens your nerve cells and promotes the production of brain nutrients thus improving your memory.

These exercises may look weird to you, but they are useful exercises especially for your brain.

  1. Brush your teeth with the wrong hand

Ten surprisingly weird mental exercises that will make you smarter

According to studies, using the non-dominant hemisphere of your brain results in rapid and significant expansion of the cortical surface area.

  1. Close your eyes while taking a shower

Various parts of the brain are often activated by tactile sensations. The nerve endings in our hands allow us to feel the textures of our body which are hard to see.

  1. Switch seats at the table

If you are used at your place in the dining, try changing seats. Your brain needs to be surprised with new experiences to grow.

  1. Breathe fresh air and aromas, listen and see.

There is this certain part in our brain which is responsible for our memory. If we involve our self in seeing new things, listening to sounds and smelling new scents, we tend to develop our hippocampus.

  1. Read Differently

Reading could give you a lot, from knowledge to experiences. Reading activates our mind to think and form ideas and eventually picture our scenes and the likes. Read more starting today.

With these exercises, we also develop our physical and emotional state.


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