What CRYING Does To Your Health? And This Is Why It Is Necessary For Your Personal Growth.

If you feel sad today, don’t feel bad about it because everyone feels sadness. You see, it is pretty natural. And when sadness urges you to cry, cry out of your depression, pain and loneliness.

Although we have the capability to suppress or tame our expression and while boys are told to be a man by not crying, did you know that crying actually has benefits not just for our body but also to our personal growth?

Crying is essential. When we resist crying, it could cause emotional suppression which could eventually lead to psychological and physical complications. While we tend to keep our emotions thinking it would feel okay, the best way to actually relieve ourselves is to let it out and allowing ourselves to cry whenever we feel we need to.

http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/ published these some reasons why crying is necessary for healing and personal growth:

  1. It prevents serious health issues

When we suppress ourselves from our emotions, this could eventually lead to some serious health issues. As explained through the published article written by Steven Bancarz, Bioenergetics is the science of home emotions and psychological issues translate into the body and get stored in the forms of diseases and pain. He further explained that if we have defense system that turns pain into anger and gets stored in us as anger, we are poisoning our body with the amount of stress hormones that are released from the body.

As what most experts would agree to, 90% of all the diseases are either caused or worsened by the stress in the body and burying emotions causes hormones like stress, adrenaline, and cortisol.

He added that crying is one way the body is designed for to handle and process emotions.

  1. It clears your energy field

Our body is vulnerable to various emotions and certainly it knows its need to feel and when to feel.

Bancarz described crying as for our energy field. Tension in our energy field is often felt when our emotions are suppressed and when we are holding on to something.

It feels heavier but when you fully let go, you energy field becomes clear. So instead of resisting vulnerability and holding back tears, open the entrance and let go of even if it requires you your personal space. Just cry.

  1. Crying allows more to come out

Bancarz shared his personal experience that every time he cries, more and more bubbles up that he didn’t even realize was there. While anger becomes our typical defense mechanism to cover up pain and fear, crying makes us realize and see past our anger and into our pain.

We will soon realize why we begin to cry and what’s with our pain. The more you cry, the more comes out from your subconscious mind.

Don’t think that crying are for weak people, you cry because it’s healthy. Thank you so much for dropping by. For some more of our latest stories and videos, just visit our website more often and don’t forget to hit the LIKE button to subscribe.

Source: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/

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