This Kid Proved Why Is It that Appendix is a Key Component of our Healthy Body

Most people only appreciates appendix when it needs to be taken out, but this component of our body does one of the most important jobs within a human being. This kid proved to the world why is it that appendix is a key component of our healthy body.


During Australia’s most prestigious science competition, Paige Bebee of Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School presented a video about the much maligned organ, our appendix.

The ninth-grader made an entertaining video the even features a cameo from her grandfather, Babby Marshall, who won the 2005 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine.

The young girl, Paige Bebee was awarded the Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize in the secondary school division. The award recognizes excellence in communicating science, and is part of the national science awards, the Eureka Prizes, which recognized leading Australian research and innovation.

Watch the Impressive Video of the Kid Who Proved that Appendix is Really Important:

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