Here’s The Best Commercial Ad For ‘Do Not Drink And Drive’ Campaign

carlton draught

One of the main reasons why road accidents always happen is because more drivers drive even though they’re drunk. Of course, when one person has a lot of alcohol intake, his brain can’t function well and see some delusions making him not to be more focus of what’s ahead of him in the street while he’s driving.

We can’t control people not to drink liquor but we can’t control them not to cause any accidents by simply reminding them of drinking’s disadvantages through campaigns like ‘Do not drink and drive’ and this commercial ad is one of solutions for the campaign.

The commercial was actually made for Carlton Draught, a beer company which of course sells beer. It’s kind of ironic but their commercial ad is the best and for sure, it would get many people’s interest.

However, a campaign isn’t only the answer but a man’s awareness of his limitation as a human being. Being considerate is the key to avoid any problems. So, when you drink, think twice.

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