Cute Argument: 4-Year-Old Girl Wanted To Tell Her ‘Epic’ Birthday Wish To Mom But Older Sister Insist Her Not To

sisters' argument

You can’t celebrate a birthday without blowing a candle. It’s been a traditional for most of us to wish for something during our birthdays after blowing the candle because we do believe that those wishes will be granted knowing that it’s your special day.

But birthday should be kept as a secret and should not let be known to others because there’s a tendency that a wish won’t come true (when it wasn’t even true). However, kids still believes that wishes for birthday do come true, so it should be a secret, but not to this 4-year-old girl.

She wanted so badly to tell her Mom her wish but her older sister keeps on insisting her not to say it because it should be a secret. She looks so innocent about it and after minutes of arguing, she won and she did tell it. Her wish? It is to find a rainbow unicorn.

I think she’s just hoping her Mom could grant her wish. This video made my day and I hope it did yours too.

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