Man Sleeps On The Door Of The Train Falls To The Floor Afterwards

When we are travelling, we really can’t stop ourselves from falling asleep especially if the travel time will be too long or if it will be to far. Somehow, it’s also our way to rest so that we can’t get tired. On the other way round, we also can’t deny the fact that even if we already fall asleep and if we are just sitting while on a travel, we also gets tired. Do you know why?

Anyway, talking about thing, this video is a great example of that. It’s about a man who sleeps in the door of the train while travelling. As it goes, it looks like the man already don’t have a chair to sit that made him just sleep on that part of the train. It also looks like he can’t already resist his sleepiness that’s why he fall asleep on that part of the train. Look at what happened next on the video below.

Since it was a door, a place where people enters and go outs on the train, there would really be a possibility that the door will open on the time that the guy is still sleeping. And unfortunately, on the video, it really happened. By looking at the guy, even though he fall to the ground, it somehow, seemed that he wasn’t hurt. Have you seen it? As such, it’s just a lesson to everybody to not sleep in the door of a certain travelling vehicle. Perhaps, this one might happen to you too. Just a friendly reminder.

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