How This Buffalo Deals With The Trampoline Will Surely Make You Laugh

There are times that animals got curious and jealous on the things man did. Since they are curious, they will get every chances they have just to try and know the feeling of doing it. Well, it’s just a normal thing anyway.

Like this buffalo. As such, they are actually known as unsafe animals. When you are with them or when you’re near them, just make sure that you are prepared for the possibilities that will happen on the buffalo. In other words, don’t really trust this animal.

Anyway, the said video is not about that. Instead, this is about a buffalo who seemed to get curious on the feeling of playing in the trampoline. Well, since he is to heavy and too big, what more can you expect, right? Watch the said video below.

As expected, the said buffalo did not even make it to just step on the trampoline. He actually did several attempts, but still, he failed. So instead of stepping in it, what he did is actually very funny. Have you seen it?

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