The Hammer Of This Astronaut Had Fallen Into The Ground. How He Got It Will Surely Make You Laugh

In outer space, all things are hanging, all things are flying, even humans. As such, it’s not like the earth where we stand on the ground and breath a safe air. Indeed, life is very different when you’re there.

Like this astronaut. Well, it seemed that he is leaving a mark, a flag for instance that will serve as a proof that he had been there. But also, it seemed that he is really taking time to make it stay there. Until one unexpected thing happen.

It’s about the hammer he is using fall on that certain place. Of course, since he is not on Earth, it really took him a hard time to get it. He already tried different styles and positions, but still, it is a failure. Watch what happened next on the video below.

Anyway, this astronaut is named Charles Duke. As you’ll see it, he tried to get that fallen hammer for almost 4 times, but still it’s a failure. So then, he just give up and just go to the rover to get something that can pick the said hammer.

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