This Guy Was Studying For The Exam. What His Friend Did To Disturbed Him Will Make Your Day! LOL!

Can you concentrate or focus on studying when your friends are around you? If you can, you probably have the most wonderful pals in the world. But if you don’t, congratulations because you have found your true friends.

Our friends may be annoying sometimes but we should still consider them as one of the greatest blessings we could ever receive. We should also be thankful if they are that irritating because it only means they are true to us and they are not afraid of showing their real attitude.

In this video by arukaen, it will show you what friendship truly means. Because this man was being ignored by his friend, who is studying for the finals week in navy, he did everything to be noticed.

As what you have seen, the guy touched his friend’s face, hit him a ball, danced and exercised at his back and even sat on his neck just to get his attention. His friend started only to talk to him when he lit up a lighter near his face.

Although it’s obvious that the guy is doing too much just to be noticed, his patient friend didn’t get angry with him and disregard what he is doing.

If I’m on his place, I could have done something wrong to his annoying friend! LOL!

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