Do You Wanna Know If You Are Real or If You Exist? Oh My! What If You’re Not? Are You Ready?

Actually, there are some instances in our life when we got to ask ourselves if we really exist and if how we can say that we really exist. Perhaps, it’s a kind of a random question that somehow needs to be answered.

Well, this video may somehow answer that weird question. This will also show on how Rene Descartes had tried to answer that question. It is based on his “Meditation on First Philosophy” Book.

One best answer given by him is through the senses of people. This is because we got to see, to hear, to touch and hold certain things in this world. In addition, you could actually see your own body in which only crazy people will deny that thing.

On the other hand, if you doubt it, maybe you are just dreaming. Actually, dreams feel real. In dreams, you can fly. In dreams you can do things that you can’t simply do when you are awake.

Watch the video below.

Other thing is that you can’t disprove on earth on how your body is all just made up. In other words, you can’t simply exist without having it.

No matter what you think, that means you’re thinking things. The fact that you’re thinking can be the best proof that you are actually existing in this world.

Well, I guess, the best thing to answer on how can we know if we exist is by simply asking if  how we can’t know that we exist.

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