This Abandoned Suitcase Was Found By A Woman Outside Her Home.. What’s Inside It Will Shock You So Much.

Have you ever done something you never regret? Do you ever feel like a crap because someone or something is with you? So you leave them because you can’t handle them anymore?

That is the message lies behind this suitcase which was abandoned by someone. Anyone who can see the suitcase will think that it’s kind of old and rotten for someone to just throw it away. But some curious mind wanted to know why it is left.

Sarah Mills, who was a resident from Southampton, England have seen the suitcase while she walked outside her home to take out the trash when she heard something that sounded like crying. It seems like coming from the suitcase, so with no hesitations, she opened the suitcase.

suitcase 1

When Sarah opened it, she was so shocked to what she discovered inside it. There are 15 adorable black kittens which were all covered with fleas and infected with worms.

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Luckily (for those kittens like it was a destiny for them to meet), Sarah runs an animal shelter named All Animal Rescue, and she said that the kittens are about a month old and likely from two separate litters.

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Aside from fleas and infections, these adorable kittens were also suffering from cat flu, which can be fatal in such young kittens.

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Sarah said that she had never seen this many precious pets discarded and at such a young age. But fortunately, these feline friends are now safe with care and love they desperately needed.

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Just because they’re animals doesn’t mean they should be treated like this Nobody even deserved this. They’re like us humans- with feelings and with life. Hope this serve as a lesson for all of us. At the end of the day, karma might come back and ask for payment. 🙂

If this story warmed your heart, hope you can share this with your friends too!


5 thoughts on “This Abandoned Suitcase Was Found By A Woman Outside Her Home.. What’s Inside It Will Shock You So Much.”

  1. i have also adopted a kitten before. she was left accidentally by her mother when they have to moved out. raising the cat, give me alot of knowledge about caring felines, and have to research it from the net and friends who have kittens. i only tried once cause it is so very hard, it’s like you have a real baby that u have to clean, feed, and even took peeing and pooing,,hehehe,, you’ll find that baby cats cannot pee or poo on their own when they are weeks old… have to install heat insulator so they would not be cold.. and a lot more complicated things….i furry animals,, but i cannot abandoned anyone whose in need….


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