Try Not To Let Your Heart Melt Looking At These Adorable Dogs Hugging Their Humans. Just Try.

Dogs are considered as man’s best friend. They are, and who would agree that they’re not? Once you shared your love to them, they will love you back unconditionally without any limitations and despite of who and what you are.

Aside from God, you can’t find anybody whose loyalty cannot be even bought by any riches of the world. I can’t find anymore words to describe the companionship they can give. They are very loving. Period.

International Dog Day was celebrated last 26th day of August but it seems like the celebration’s not yet over with so many stories spreading all around the web about our wonderful four-legged companion.

And so to commemorate them, here are photos of them hugging their best pal in the world- humans.

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Happy International Dog Day! Your dog deserved a hug and kiss, now! 🙂


Source Credit: BoredPanda

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