This Is What Happens If Adults Become Kids. Awwss! It’s Bad!

Kids always want to be adults in just a short span of time. But they did not know that it’s actually more fun to be a kid than to be an adult. Indeed, there’s a lot of things that kids can do that can’t be done by adults. If they did it, it would be so weird.

Kids should not problem things. It is the responsibilities of their parents. What they have to do is just to make their parents happy and enjoy their presence. Because being a kid is a thing that can never be returned anymore.

I’ll show you one example. This is what will happen if you rush on growing up. You might be doing wrong the things that you did not do well because you want to grow up fast.

Watch this.

This video shows some of the things and acts that only kids have the privilege to do. Look at what happens if it is done by adults.

Adults can’t walk all naked just like kids. It’s improper. It’s bad. In addition, adults can’t also bite their fingers if something went wrong, they must face and solve it instead.

There’s already lots of things taught to the adults as they grew up. They always need to be do right things and act as mature and responsible one.

Well for the kids, you should enjoy your lives and love to be a kid. It’s one best thing that you can’t have back again. Enjoy so that you will not regret. Time is just running fast. You don’t have to rush things because eventually, you’ll be one soon.

Enjoy watching.

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