Interested About Technology? Watch This 2014 Technological Facts. This will Amaze You! True!

There are already lots of changes that technology had bought to people. It is even considered as the biggest force of change. It changes almost everything. Specifically on how people eat, on how people walk and on how people gets along with each other.

You should watch this video and you will be given additional information.

On this video, there was a prediction that over 150 million people will be born this year who will be born into a data economy.
The video also reveals some secrets.

One of it is that, size sometimes matters.  If you’re in China and belongs to 1 million people there, there would be 1360 people who is like you. While you’ll have 1100 people who is like you in India.

The total population of North America is lower than the 25 percent of China’s population with high IQ’s. While in India, it is their top 25.
I wonder then on how much population does China have.

Did you also know that China will be next number one English speaking country in the whole world. Amazing right?

There would be a total of 60 new born babies in America, 244 in China and 351 in India.

Also, the US Department of Labor had an estimate of 10-14 jobs for those who are considered as today’s learners.

Did you also know that the top 10 in demand jobs in 2013 did not exist in 2014. Wow, how could this be possible.

Well, these were just few of the given facts in this video. You should watch it. I have already learned much. Enjoy watching.

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