17 Spectacular Animal Migration Exist On Earth That Will Surely Make You Say Wow!

After I saw these 17 spectacular animal migration that actually exist on earth, I was absolutely amazed how big and tiny creatures unite looking for their own food and search for a better place for them to stay alive.

I’m sure that you are already familiar with these various animals listed below, however looking at these 17 spectacular animal migration will definitely astound you with its amazing participation.

Check this fabulous animal migration which will surely make you say WOW! #6 OMG!

#1. Bar-Headed Goose

Bar-Headed Goose
Has the ability to fly up to 1,000 miles in a single day from India to Tibet.

Bar-Headed Goose

#2. Christmas Island Red Crab

Christmas Island Red Crab
Australia’s Christmas Island occurs every October and November to where there are about 120 million crabs form a living red carpet.

Christmas Island Red Crab

#3. Flamingo

There are more than 2.5 million African flamingos travel each year from Tanzania to Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria in Kenya.


#4. Salmon

Salmon hatch in fresh water, then travel to the ocean to spend their adult lives.


#5. Caribou

More than half a million reindeer travel in massive herds for an annual journey that can span up to 1,600 miles.


#6. Emperor Penguin

Emperor Penguin
Emperor penguins gathered every March which strut from the coast of Antarctica to the center of the continent to breed.

Emperor Penguin

#7. Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly
Monarch butterflies participate in a massive (and colorful) migration to Mexico each year.

Monarch Butterfly

#8. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna is considered as one of the fastest swimming fish in the ocean to where they can move up to 62 mph when chasing prey.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

#9. Arctic Tern

Arctic Tern
Arctic Tern can fly up to 44,000 miles from Greenland to Antarctica every year.

Arctic Tern

#10. Walrus

The Pacific walrus’ migration is motivated by their search of ice from the Bering Sea to the Chukchi Sea.


#11. Wildebeest

There are about 1.5 million wildebeest travel from Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya between July and October every year.


#12. Great White Shark

Great White Shark
Great White Sharks can travel up to 2,500 miles from the California coast to the Pacific Ocean .

#13. Dragonfly

Dragonflies travel over the Indian Ocean from India to the Maldives islands, then to East Africa, then South Africa, and then all the way back to India to complete the cycle.


#14. Elephant Seal

Elephant Seal
Elephant seals travel 13,000 miles over land and sea every year.

#15. Whale

Baleen whales including the gray and humpback whales,migrate up to 16,000 round-trip.

#16. Leatherback Sea Turtle

Leatherback Sea Turtle can travel 10,000 miles each year from Asia to the U.S. west coast in search of food near Washington, Oregon, and California.

#17. Straw-Colored Fruit Bat

Straw-Colored Fruit Bat
More than eight million straw-colored fruit bats travel from the Congo to Zambia between October and December every year.

Straw-Colored Fruit Bat

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