Dark Photos Of Disney Princesses Like You’ve Never Seen Them Before. Enough For Happily Ever After!

When we talk about fairy tales, we always expect to hear the phrase, “and they live happily ever after”. But have you ever imagined what could happen to the princesses after this?

Dina Goldstein, a Canadian photographer and conceptual artist, has come up with a project called “Fallen Princesses“. Her works show some of the iconic Disney characters caught up in tragic fates. She explores the possible darker side of these fairy tales creating humorous and striking scenes.

Here are 10 of Dina’s most traumatizing and disastrous endings of these usually happy-ending stories that would surely change the way you think of your favorite Disney princesses:

#1. Ariel was imprisoned and became the new favorite aquarium exhibit.


#2. Belle couldn’t get enough with her beauty and decided to undergo plastic surgery.


#3. Cinderella was caught in the middle of a depressing situation, causing her to  get addicted to alcoholic drinks.


#4. Jasmine became a modern warrior carrying a huge gun in the middle of a war zone.


#5. Little Red Riding Hood turned out to be a symbol of obesity, sipping on a large fountain drink and holding a picnic basket full of fast food.

Little Red Riding Hood

#6. Pocahontas ended up being lonely, watching television alone in a dark room with a dozen of cats around.


#7. Princess and the Pea found herself with her mattresses at a landfill bringing awareness about pollution.

Princess and the Pea

#8. Rapunzel was diagnosed with cancer and went through a series of chemotherapy causing her to lose her long, golden hair. 


#9. Sleeping Beauty was not woken up by her true love’s kiss, making the Prince to wait for her until he grew this old.

Sleeping Beauty

#10. Snow White did end up with her Prince Charming but unfortunately found herself a victim of unhappy marriage.

Snow White

These twisted endings will absolutely leave you answering lots of questions from your kids!

If you want more of Dina Goldstein’s work, check out her website here.

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