You Might Not Know About Your Pet Dogs.. These Are The 22 Wonderful Facts About Them That You Wish You’ve Known Before!

You own a dog. You love it. I know. But do you exactly know everything about them? Do you even have a slightest idea why they acted the way that they do? Why do you love them? Well, there are some things you probably don’t know about your pet dog, and I love to share it with you. Possibly, after reading this, you’ll be proud you’re happy to know these awesome facts and you’ll love them even more!

Check these out:

The most popular and most guilty dogs are the Labrador retrievers.

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Dog urine can corrode metals. In fact, several lampposts in Croatia actually collapsed because so many dogs were peeing on them.

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Dogs have 18 separate muscles to independently control each ear.

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Dogs’ wet nose can detect scent by absorbing the water droplets that carry smells.

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The dog’s earliest ancestor is the Miacis, a small weasel-like creature which lived 40 million years ago. Dogs share this ancestor with wolves, raccoons and bears.

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Some Pekingese dogs were bred soley are small that it can fit in women’s sleeves.

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Square-headed dogs (like St. Bernards) can hear subsonic sounds better than dogs with narrow heads (like Spaniels).

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But tiny dogs, like Chihuahuas, can hear sounds in higher ranges than big dogs.

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Dogs can hear, smell, and even taste a storm long before us.

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Male dogs lift their legs when they pee as a sign of dominance.

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Puppies are born blind, deaf, and toothless.

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When dogs dig after pooing, they’re not burying anything – they’re marking their territory using scent glands in their paws.

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A dog’s nose is exactly like a human fingerprint. Seriously, it can be used to prove identity. Good luck sticking a dog’s face in some ink without making the mother of all messes, though.

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The first sense puppies learn is touch.

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But! They don’t really enjoy hugging. In the canine world, putting your limb over another animals signifies dominance.

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Beagles are the noisiest dogs.

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Akita Inus are the most badly behaved dogs around – owning one could even negatively affect your home insurance.

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Guide dogs poo on command.

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Border Collies and Poodles are thought to be the most intelligent dogs.

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Afghan Hounds and Basenjis are thought to be the least intelligent.

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Dogs form their tongues into a mini cup to drink. They don’t lick the water!


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Huskies tell the worst jokes!

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Now, I’m planning to buy one again! 🙂



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