This Family’s Unconditional Love To Their Kid Made Me Crying.. Such Wonderful Parents!

People are too judgmental in nature, and though this generation widely changed, LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning) community aren’t fully accepted in the society and that goes everywhere here on Earth. There are still some who mocked them and caused them so much pain which they should not be receiving knowing that they’re humans too.

Though society may neglect, the unconditional love of a family is far different from rejection and hatred the world gives.

This goes to the story of family Jeff and Hillary Whittington who unexpectedly made some terrible changes in their lives because of their love to their kid Ryland.

Jeff and Hillary Whittington was the happiest when they had their first child, a baby girl they named Ryland..


But some things turned out differently.. the family learned that she was deaf.. but with a lot of love and work, Ryland learned to hear and speak.



But that’s not the end of their story.. as Ryland started to speak, she would scream “I AM A BOY!”


Some told the family that it was just a ‘phase’ but Ryland found it easy to act like a boy..

ryland 5



Instead of accepting the fact that she’s really a girl, something more was happening inside her.. Mr and Mrs Whittington decided to ask help from professionals and experts. After some research, they found out that Ryland is transgender; born with female anatomy but brain is identified with that of a boy. But there’s more than being like transgender. According to some research, transgender have suicidal tendencies due to lack of acceptance from society.

 Whittington don’t want to take that risk… And so for Ryland to really feel that she’s loved, they cut her hair..


Changing everything from being ‘her’ to ‘him’..






Mr and Mrs Whittington did everything for Ryland to be accepted in their community, but there are still some who neglects them. Although it is, it is still a very fulfilling challenge for their family knowing that they survived it. The story of Ryland will always serve as a reminder to most of us, that whatever you are, as long as you have your family, you’re always be a blessing, not only to those who love you, but to Him who created you! 

Don’t forget to share Ryland’s story and let your friends be inspired too!

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