Here Are 11 Reasons Why Having A Cat As A Pet Is Good For You

If you think having a cat isn’t good for you, you’re wrong. They may be ‘smart’ like dogs, but they’re pretty good for your health. So, feline fans, rejoice! Cats are awesome too and like dogs, they can be your real best friend. You might not know but there are enough reasons why you should … Read more

11 Photos Of Cats Throwing Some Shade At Dogs

Dogs and cats are known to be enemies. There’s a huge fire of envy between them and they endlessly both annoy each other especially when they’re looking for their human’s attention. Well, between them, the cats are more envious with the dogs and often throw some attitude towards the dog. Have you seen a cat … Read more

How This Mother Cat Saved Her Baby Kitten Will Warm Your Heart

Earthlings have the same feelings on heart and mind. Humans or animals we may be, our body is entitled to feel what is supposed to feel on what is happening around us. We get scared when there’s terror and we get so sad when we see unfortunate situations. Being a mother is just like that. … Read more

Cat Enjoys Warming Herself By A Heater

Animals love to play around with humans’ things and sometimes they can’t get enough of it that they also want to know how it feels to be human by using such things. Have you seen a cat who doesn’t mind that she’s a cat and does things humans only do? Here is a cat that … Read more

Pallas’s Cat Found A Camera, Did Something Creepy With It

Have you found something so different that you wanted to inspect how it even works? Animals always experienced this kind of feeling; because unlike us humans, they’re not totally familiar with things around them. Take this manul or popularly known as pallas’s cat which noticed a camera on its territory. Out of curiosity, he examines … Read more

You Can’t Get Enough Looking At This Unusually Cute Cat

Who anyone here in this room isn’t familiar with cats? Probably none. Who don’t? If you don’t own one, you can always see this kind of animal on your neighbor’s house or around the street. Well, they have the same facial features that you can easily guess they’re feline animals; but there’s this one cat … Read more