Artist created some magical art that caught the attention of the inline community. His beautiful arts were compiled by Boredpanda to showcase the beauty of watercolor painting.
The magical artworks is created by Luqman Reza Mulyono.
He is a watercolor artist based from Indonesia. His paintings caught the eyes and the heart of the online community.
According to Reza, the themes that he tried to raise during 2016 are still about animals representing social relationships of humans: Love, affection, conflict, and rivalry.
Here are the beautiful photos of the magical paintings of Reza!
1. Artist Create Animal Spirits Through Watercolor
2. Artist Create Animal Spirits Through Watercolor
3. Artist Create Animal Spirits Through Watercolor
4. Artist Create Animal Spirits Through Watercolor
5. Artist Create Animal Spirits Through Watercolor
6. Artist Create Animal Spirits Through Watercolor
7. Artist Create Animal Spirits Through Watercolor
8. Artist Create Animal Spirits Through Watercolor
9. Artist Create Animal Spirits Through Watercolor