30 Painful Photos Proving That Our Earth Is Dying

Any type of pollution in our natural surroundings and ecosystem causes insecurity, health disorders, and discomfort in normal living. It disorganizes the natural systems and thus disturbs the nature’s balance.

Our world nowadays is on its way to destruction because of the pollution caused by the unsafe human activities. Our environment was affected by the calamities that were caused by the pollution in the world.

The pollutants or elements of pollution are foreign substances or waste materials created by the human beings and pollute the natural resources like air, water or soil etc. The chemical nature, concentration and long persistence of the pollutants continually disturb the ecosystem for years. The pollutants can be poisonous gases, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, noise, organic compounds and radioactive materials.

Pollution can be of many types like noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc. But in today’s generation, Air pollution is increasing day by day because of the growing number of automobiles, release of poisonous gases, smoke from industrial companies, finely dissolved solids, liquid aerosols, etc in the atmosphere. The air we breathe becomes dirty because of pollution.

Here are the photos that will prove that the world is dying because of Pollution.


Trash her, trash everywhere!


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