15 Funny Behind The Scene Of Wedding Photography

Anything can be art specially its a result your handwork and imagination.

Art is everywhere, many people believe art is about form and content. Its about the emotion and effort that you invest with the help of our playful imagination.  Form referring to the elements of art, such as line, shape, color.

Beautiful artist’s intention or message can be portray and express through art.

Nowadays, Art has embraced photography as a medium that people can use to create works of art.

Many contemporary artists embrace art as concept—the idea is more important than the work of art. For many, something is art if it embodies beauty or the sublime. Most people would agree that art is sketching, drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, and mixed media. In recent years, the Art world has embraced photography as a medium that people can use to create works of art.

Some of the artists said that not all photographs are considered art but some says yes as long as its the fruit of your imagination and effort it can be considered as art.

Photography is almost everywhere as long as you learned how to use the features  of your digital SLR camera, such as shooting in aperture priority and shutter priority, use lighting artistically, then you can start taking photographs with the intention of documenting reality.

Photography can be done by your smartphones, their are countless people from all around the world are now taking snapshots with smart phones and then editing them with apps like Instagram and upload t to the social media.

There are beautiful photographs from different photography like for example in the wedding situations. The beautiful photographs of the couples that if saw them you will be fall in love. Some photographs has different meanings and story but how these romantic photographs are created?

Here are 15 funny behind the scene of Wedding Photography.


The used his brilliant imagination to create an artificial rain.

funny Photographer of wedding

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