A Photographer Documents The Historic Heritage In The City Of Palmira Now And Then.

The City of Palmira was once standing proud and majestic with its historical heritages. In fact, there is so much history abounding the city and the walls and the structures could affirm that to anyone who sees it.

But its time has come for sober and pain as the once beautiful city has instantly turned into rubbish and broken bricks. In the depths of the Syrian modern war, Palmira is just one of the cities that became the victim.

The city itself could do nothing but grace the fires watching its heritage falls down as well. The ISIS were unstoppable at firing at her, Palmira is losing almost everything. Now she just have the particles in the ground, the pieces of her memory were shattered.

In the footage above, a photographer shows how much of the Syrian city of Palmira was damaged because of the war caused by the ISIS. The once historical is now turning a ghost town.

Video fromĀ http://IN THE NOW

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