Here’s How You Alleviate Pain From Too Much Phone Use. Get Rid Of It Now.

Almost of the time of our day is spent in using mobile phones especially when our work solely depends on texting our clients. It might not be a medical diagnosis, but whenever we use the phone too much we can likely relate to the feelings of soreness and cramping in the fingers, wrist and forearm.



Excessive use of our mobile phones could be inevitable nowadays especially when we understand the power of communication. However, we should not also take it for granted especially when we start to feel a discomfort in our finger tips.

Testing could result to pain, and if that happens maybe you should start having a break or eventually use the other hand to do the job.

According to Dr. Aaron Daluiski, an orthopedic surgeon, such activity can lead to pain in the tendons or muscles. Although Dauliski noted that there is no specific diagnosis in using technology devices. However he explained that it could contribute to certain conditions.


Inflammation of the tendons which attach the bones to the muscles could be a result of overuse and repetitive motions of hands and fingers.

Not only that hands could be affected but also the wrist and arms because they are all connected. While it is almost impossible today to escape from texting or using gadgets and devices, it is a must that we get to exercise our body from time to time. suggests the following exercises to get rid of the pain in your texting hand:

  1. Tap each finger with the thumb of the same hand. Repeat x 5
  2. Pull your thumb firmly with the other hand. Repeat x 5
  3. Wrap an elastic band around the tips of fingers and thumb and open your hand against the resistance. Repeat x 20
  4. Palms down wrap an elastic band around each thumb and force apart. Repeat x 20
  5. Tap the palm and back of your hand on your thigh as quickly as you can. Repeat x 20 Massage thumb web, back of forearm and front of forearm. 2 minutes.
  6. Press and rub in a circular motion the painful nodules in those muscles. 30 seconds for each nodule.
  7. Reach up high with both arms and shake your hands. Reach down low with both arms and shake. Repeat x 3.
  8. Arms at 45 degrees squeeze them behind you.
  9. If it still hurts after a week of doing exercises wrap an ice pack on sore hand and arm parts. Do not put ice directly on the skin but wrap in a thin cloth or piece of kitchen roll. 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off. Repeat x 3.


There are also some easy stretches you can do at tome if pain starts to creep in like applying heat or cold to the affected area using towel or pads.

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