While Walking In The Depths Of The Forest, They Discovered This. What’s Beneath The Ground Was Even More Terrifying.

Although this forest is not new to the local children nearby, there is something in this area that could invite one to think more not because of its creepy nature but because of the pipes which stick out of the ground.

Somewhere in the depths of this forest in Northern Germany, a couple of friends found something interesting. The strange and uneasy energy over the area then encouraged them to investigate further.


Whatever mystery underneath the pipes, it is them to find out. These friends tried to explore what’s beneath and you’ll be surprised with what they have found.

After looking around, the friends finally found an interesting entrance to an underground bunker. They removed the wooden door and intruded in.


When they entered, they realized that there must have been somebody who have entered before them after seeing the plastic bag and an old pipe on the ground. Thrilled of the passage, the group decided to walk straight despite the turns. However dead ends welcomed them.


Can’t get enough of the mystery, they continued even in the curves not expecting that they will see more on the secluded place.


Apparently, the graffiti on the walls mean something. However, they continued until they reached this entrance. It was an entrance to few more entrances. It did not stop them though, the continued until they found some more interesting things.

They soon walked through a corridor which filled with grease and old enough to scare anyone. Aside from the passages, the markings on wall were also surprisingly scary.

As they reached this wall with the writings on it, they started to feel strange. They described the smell as of the rotten organic and of the sewer. They pursued still the corridor leading to the water chamber.


The rest of the corridors down there were filled with water. One that caught their attention was the old yet fancy machinery and the random pair of old gloves.

Before their camera could bag down, they photographed a creepier material on the ceiling. The group was sure that there are more down there that they have not seen. They missed some turns and there must be something more in every of it.

The bunker was apparently meant for something and it is quite an adventure that these brave lads broke through it to find out what’s inside. While it is still a question for most what forces there might lay there unawaken, locals won’t bravely walk close it.

What do you think about this place? Why do they put up such? If you have something in mind, please share your ideas by commenting below.

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Photos from Imgur; Video from Stalking Tom

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