Here’s Why You Should Try Frequent Blinking For Healthier Eyes And Vision.

Our eyes are said to be our window to everything around us. Without our eyes, we could not see the colors or the other things around us. Indeed, our sight is an essential part of us that should not be taken away.


While we are fortunate to have our eyes, it is a must that we should take care of it by eating foods and vegetables that could be benefits to our sight. More than these, our self-discipline and practices are also essential.

And while we are exposed to various gadgets today, we tend to use our eyes more often taking it for granted. Our eyes need a break too if not some exercises.

Blinking may be a simple exercise for the eyes but is it a lot helpful. We encourage you to adopt the habit of blinking as frequent as possible.

Optimal vision and healthy eyes could be achieved through this very simple exercise you could do anytime and anywhere. Through blinking, the eyelids are kept coated with tears which are essential.

The tears which are produced through blinking provide even coat of protein-rich moisture, wash away foreign objects, and provide lubrication between eyes and eyelids, among others.

It is advised by experts to softly blink your eyes every two to four seconds. By doing this at the rate, the body will turn your conscious effort into a subconscious habit.

Eyes’ Health Tips

a. Blink regularly during all activities most especially when you are reading, working on the computer or while watching on TV.
b. Avoid using contact lenses if not necessary, it could discourage frequent blinking because the backside of your eyelids is not designed to rub over the artificial surface.
c. Try fixating your vision on one object for couple of seconds.

Frequent blinking would not eat you a lot of time and effort, it may sound very simple but when you do it, it takes a bigger effect towards your precious eyes. So do it.

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