Does Your Dandruff Mess Up Your Day? Here’s Some Home Remedies To Get Rid Of It.

When your rub your hair and see little flakes of white particles dazzle off your scalp, don’t get it wrong from dandruff. It’s quite frustrating and oh well, embarrassing.
Dandruff is a common scalp problem that most of us experience as a result of dry skin, and the growth of bacteria and fungus on the scalp, among others.

So instead of tolerating the itchy feeling on your scalp, there are actually some simple ways on how you could get rid of it. You don’t have to go nowhere when you can have these remedies just at your home.

1. Coconut Oil
Though you have commonly heard this even before but this is actually effective as the coconut oil helps eliminate dandruff because of its anti-fungal properties. More than just proving relief from itching, the oil also moisturizes the dry scalp by simply massaging it on.

2. White Vinegar
Surprisingly, the white vinegar is considered by most as the most effective remedies against dandruff. With its properties, vinegar prevents the growth of fungi on your scalp.

3. Lemon
Relief from dandruff can be easily achieved with the use of lemon juice. You just simply had to massage tablespoons of lemon juice into your scalp before rinsing with water. The secret of Lemon lies with its ability to balance the pH of your scalp.

4. Aloe Vera
The most common and oh well, effective. By massaging aloe vera into your scalp before shampooing, the itch of dandruff will be soothed.

5. Garlic
The magic of the garlic lies with its anti-fungal properties that help eliminate the dandruff-causing bacteria. Although the potent smell could bother you, rubbing the crushed garlic is an effective way to alleviate dandruff.

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