Much Use Of Computer Might Result To Blurry Vision…Here Are Remedies To Help Alleviate It.

Our sight plays an important role in fulfilling our daily activities. But our eyes could get tired too especially when we take it for granted.


As a result, we could experience blurry vision. It could be temporary or could lead to worst if not attended to properly. It might be a result of too much uses of computer, like exposing your eyes all day long.

We must know that our eyes is very important, so we should take care of it too. Blurry vision is just one of the vision complications that many of us experience. To avoid it, these natural remedies could be too helpful.

Vitamin A
As always said, vitamin A is good for our vision but too often we miss this. Taking Vitamin A supplements is a best choice however there are so many sources of vitamin A that could contribute to natural cure (e.g Squash, Spinach, Cabbage, Carrots)

The magnificence of Liquorice could also help solve your vision complaint. A liquid of it from the root is often mixed to drinks for intake.

This is high in Vitamin A and is proven to cure any vision problem, this doesn’t except blurry vision. Chicory juice can also be mixed with other juices, so you could still enjoy the taste.

More to those, a healthy lifestyle should also be considered to eradicate blurry vision. You can try the following exercises for your eyes.

The 10-10-10 Rule
Every 10 minutes, focus on an object at least 10 feet away for a duration of 10 seconds. Doing this will give your eyes a “time-out” so they can recharge a little before going back to focusing on whatever it is you were doing.

This is the most basic eye exercise yet the most effective. It rests the eye muscles and keeps them loose. Blinking provide pace for the eyes to circulate and moisture itself.

Stop, Tone and Roll
By rolling your eyes, first clockwise, then counter-clockwise, you are toning your eye muscles and circulating blood flow and oxygen around the eye.

May you find these very helpful? Thank you so much for always trusting us when it comes to seeking home remedies for whatever you are going through right now, physically. Have a healthy day!

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