Touching Moment Of A Colorblind Father Seeing His Kids Eyes Properly For The First Time

If you’re complaining about your bad day today, don’t. The world will not end if you are and consider yourself lucky, because more than your situation, there are millions of people out there who are unfortunate, not because they lack of wealth and power, but because they can’t fully enjoy life because of disabilities.

Among the many of these people is this Father who is colorblind or having the disability known as Protanopia. Because of this, he cannot see red or green but that’s not until his sister, Katherine Empey gave him glasses as a gift. Watch the heartwarming video below:

Now, that’s a tear-jerker moment! Katherine wrote on her YouTube page: “It truly was an amazing experience. We were all crying. He is still discovering things.” It is indeed a new life for this loving Father and his kids are obviously happy for him. Thanks to the company EnChroma for creating the glasses and help colour-blind people see the world as others do.

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