Say Goodbye To Your Gym Membership For These 12 Exercises Can Make You Get Fit Even You’re At Your Home

We all want to get fit and be healthy, but sometimes, though we want to, we’re kind of tired of getting up ourselves ready for some workouts. Even with a little jog is a pain in the butt. You already have your gym membership but you can’t still do because of your hectic schedule.

But you know you must work for your body too. You want that toned body and less weight. Your body needs to get stronger, work for your heart and lungs to get better and release all your stress. Exercise can do that for you.

So if you don’t want to get burden with your payment in a gym, don’t even apply. Here are some little workouts you can do at your home. But remember, don’t hurt yourself doing this stuff and know your own pace.

So, are you ready? Get your timer and let the sweating session begin!

1. Spide Lunge

How to: Start in a push-up position. Bring one leg forward and step beside your hand. Put that foot back and do the same on the other side.

Keep in mind: Keep your back straight and your bum up.

Benefits: This is a really good core-strengthening exercise, plus this will improve flexibility.


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2. Squat jump

How to: This is going to work the same way as a squat, only you’ll jump up from the squatted position.

Keep in mind: You’re going to want to get as much air as you can when you jump. If you want to burn more fat, make sure the squat is deep.

Benefits: Along with all of the regular squat benefits, this really strengthens your core because you’re stabilizing yourself with each jump and land.

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3. Glute Bridge

How to: Lie on the ground with your legs bent. Keeping your shoulders down, lift your hips up high and hold it. Then, lower yourself again.

Keep in mind: Keep your arms at your sides with your palms up. Always squeeze your bum when you lift.

Benefits: You’ll tone and strengthen your bum, legs, and core.

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 4. Glute Bridge Leg Lift

How to: Get in the same position as you would for a glute bridge and then extend one leg. Now lift in the same way you would with a glute bridge, making sure to keep that extended leg straight.

Keep in mind: Keep your hip aligned and do not hyperextend your back.

Benefits: Because you’re taking away half of your stability, it’s going to tone and strengthen twice as much as a regular glute lift. This one also works your lower back.

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5. Plank With Shoulder Tap

How to: Get into a push-up position. Lift one hand up and touch the opposite shoulder while keeping your body as stiff and straight as a board. Return your hand to the ground and switch.

Keep in mind: To maximize this, try to see how many you can do within a minute.

Benefits: You’re strengthening your upper and lower body muscles as well as your core. Your stabilizing muscles will really be used in this as you move your arms.

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6. Push-ups

How to: Place your hands parallel on the ground at approximately shoulder-width. Lower your body as close to the ground as you can get without touching it and raise back up.

Keep in mind: Don’t arch your back – keep it nice and straight. Don’t let your butt sag or raise.

Benefits: You’ll build and tone upper body muscles. You’ll also get to strengthen your core.

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7. Planks

How to: Starting in a push-up position, lower yourself down and place your forearms on the ground so that both your elbows and fists are on the floor. Curl your toes. Tilt your pelvis and pull your belly button towards your spine. Flex your stomach muscles and your glutes.

Keep in mind: Keep your eyes on the floor. Don’t raise your butt. Try to stay as straight as a board. Hold the position through the burning.

Benefits: This is going to strengthen all of the stabilizing muscles in your core, and your upper and lower body muscles. It will also increase your flexibility.

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8. Inchworm

How to: From standing, bend over and place your hands on the ground. Walk forward with your hands until you reach the push-up position. Hold. Then walk backwards on your hands and stand up.

Keep in mind: Keep your back straight as you move.

Benefits: It strengthens your muscles while also helping flexibility in your back.

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9. Front Lunge

How to: Stand with your feet together. Lift your right leg and take a big step forward. Lower your left knee to the floor until it makes a 90° angle. Push yourself up and step back. Repeat on the other side.

Keep in mind: Keep your stomach muscles tight. If it’s hurting your knees, try the reverse lunge.

Benefits: This targets your thighs, calves, and bum. Your stabilizing stomach muscles are also strengthened.

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10. Reverse Lunge

How to: This works the same way as a normal lunge, only you step backwards rather than forwards.

Keep in mind: Don’t forget to tighten those stomach muscles.

Benefits: This one is less strain on your knees.

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11. Jumping Lunges

How to: Stand with one foot forward and one foot back. Lower yourself into a squat-type position. Your thigh on one leg and your knee on the other should be parallel to the ground and at a 90° angle. Hold. Then jump up, getting both feet off the ground. Switch your legs in the air so that your rear leg comes forward and your forward leg goes back.

Keep in mind: Proper positioning and balance is essential for this, so make sure that you take your time learning how to do this properly. Also, make sure you’ve got good footwear. You don’t want to be slipping.

Benefits: This will strengthen your thighs, calves, torso, lower back, and glutes.


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12. Squats

How to: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your chest up and spine straight while you lower your body, bending your knees down.

Keep in mind: You should keep your weight on your heels and the balls of your feet. Don’t round your back.

Benefits: While strengthening your legs and butt muscles, this also helps core strengthening. It helps with joint support and balance as well.

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(h/t): Diply

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