Newest Fashion Trend: Hairband That Lets You Wear An Entire Kitten On Your Head

As time goes by, fashion also changes. What’s the trend last few weeks could be depleted by a new trend. There is countless fashion trends happened for so many years and people are always fond of doing these fashion trends to get in with society.

We’ve heard of animal-related fashion trends like cat-related headgear, earphones and this time, cat hairband that makes you look like wearing a life-sized kitty on your head.

This cat hairband was designed by Japanese designer Campanella in Japan. Campanella does not produce the headband regularly but when she showed it off at annual expo named Design Festa, supports for the project has come through for her to produce it.

Would you dare to wear this one? I certainly would love to!

cat hairband 1

cat hairband 2

cat hairband 3

cat hairband 4

(h/t): BoredPanda

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