Easy-To-Make Homemade Laser That Will Protect Your Home

Life-hacks and DIY experiments are truly amazing because they can do special things that could make our jobs easier and more comfortable. Are you a kind of person who loves making some simple DIY hacks at home? If you are, here is another one that you need to learn.

This video uploaded by the channel kipkay on YouTube will teach you how to build and easy-to-make, low-cost laser beam security system. All you have to do is follow the simple steps and must have the materials needed to build the project.

The important materials are the following:

1. Photocell

2. Transistor

3. Variable resistor

4. Capacitor

5. I seaboard

6. 9-volt battery in switch

7. Some small Mirs

8. 5 mil a lot red laser

9. Small box

Using some tools like pliers for cutting, you can build this homemade laser that will protect your home from intruders. What a brilliant life-hack.

Thank you so much for dropping by and reading this blog post. For more useful DIY hacks, feel free to visit our website more often.

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