This Cat Loves Watching The Metal Band “Slayer”

Like humans, cat are interested in music too.  Although they can’t understand the lyrics of the song, they are able to identify good music. However, they have different perception. Some like slow music, loud, catchy while some like metal music.

This cat is so in love with metal music and his favorite band is Slayer, which is composed of Tom Araya, Kerry King, Paul Bostalph and Gary Holt. While watching their performance on television, this feline could not help but be hooked. He sit on the couch and watch as if he understands everything. He also appears to be very serious on watching it.

This cat is a music lover, but his interest is far different from his other family. It’s really weird to see cats behaving this way while listening to metal music. Maybe his owner likes listening to the same genre also.

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