17 Reasons Why You Should Be Thankful For Your Dog

There’s no doubt when you hear the quote saying “a dog is a man’s best friend.” It’s perfectly true, because unlike anyone surrounding you, they’ll love you no matter what. It’s them who put a smile on your face when you’re feeling blue and lonely, and when you have all the happiness in the world to feel, they join you.

Every dog deserves the love they needed from us and we humans should be thankful for the fact that they’re always there to be our best friend. In case you’ve missed to say ‘Thank You’ to your pup, here are 17 reasons to at least remind you why you have to.

1. When they look at you, your heart melts

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2. They’re always delighted to see you, no matter what

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3. They’ll hold your hand when no one else will

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4. You have a constant playtime companion

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5. And a best friend for life

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6. They’re always down for a cuddle

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7. And they make the world’s best kissers

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8. They’re not afraid to show their true selves

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9. And have no shame in getting extra cozy at your expense

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10. They’re proud of all your accomplishments

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11. And they find the most adorable ways to get into trouble

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12. Or take the blame for you

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13. They help keep you fit

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14. They take pleasure in the simplest things in life

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15. They make sleepy-time so much better

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16. They know when all you need is a hug

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17. And most importantly, they love you unconditionally no matter who you are

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Thank you so much for dropping by and reading this blog post. For more inspiring stories of our fur friends, feel free to visit our website more often.

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