Impressive Bike Tracks That Surely Make You Say.. “This Is Cool!”

On computer games, there are lots of bike games we seen or played before. Mostly on this game, it is the measurement how you passed all tracks or task. But have you ever imagine that someday that game we played turned into reality? Well check out the video below how these guys make come true the reality of biking on real tracks.

The team creates their test ride called “The Comedown” – rideable sculptural figure of 8 velodrome by artist Stephen Murray at the Briggait, Wasps, Glasgow. The riders will test are Movie Caroo and John Silvera.

With the use of GoPro camera, the bikers can record of what’s happening while they were biking on track. It looks so terrifying but cool to watch when they were biking fast that probably makes your heart beat fast. After few rounds they were jump out on tracks and they were so happy of what they did.

The Comedown test ride is cool, right? This test measures how to balance the gravity of movement in continues.

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