This Love Letter Of A 4-Year-Old Kid Will Be The Most Romantic Thing You’ll Read Today

Love can express in so many varied ways. Some people would confess it directly to that special person, but some would write a letter expressing their sincere feelings- love letter. Though technology’s influence has taken over our traditional ways, there are still people who chose to use customary methods like writing love letters.

One of them is 4-year-old kid named Bennet, who got Shakespeare’s tactic in expressing thoughts in a pen when he wrote his favorite neighbor Bailey, a blonde girl who has the same age with him. Here’s his love letter:

bennet's love letter



Will you please come to my house? Let’s play together. I think you are pretty like a horse or a ladybug. I’m not sure which. You should come to my house and eat cheeses with me. I love you and I lost a tooth last night. I think I would like to do a magic trick for you and then let you watch me battle robots.



Bennet is not an ordinary kid like you think. He’s a champion in battling cancer ever since he was he was just 6 months old. “He talks constantly about her and how much he loves her ‘yellow hair,’ explains Bennet’s mother, Jennifer.”He will be having his 5th birthday party in a few weeks and the theme is knights and princesses, he is over the moon knowing that Baily will be dressed as a princess.”

“He was diagnosed with cancer at 6 months old and actually goes up for one of his last cancer checks in Portland, Oregon very soon. I’m always nervous about these checks and this has been a nice distraction”, his Mom added.

We wish you all the best Bennet. You are loved.

Source Credit: Distractify

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