Witness How This So Called Bionic Boots Will Boost Up Your Speed In Running.

All of us really wanted to be the best. As such, we will do everything in order for us to achieve it. But of course, it is not just a simple thing, it is actually so hard.

But then, because of technology, some things are just easy for us to achieve. This bionic boot is the best example of it. Of course, runners in the world wanted to run as fast as the ostrich. Since then, this boots is invented.

Through this one, you can run as fast as 25 KPH. The person who invented this is Keahi Seymour. This is an ostrich inspired robotic boots that will give someone who wears it a speed in their boost. Watch how it works on the video below.

The purpose why he made this is because he wanted to created shoes that will work as fast as how animals run or even as faster as they can. It was then when he introduced this one to the Maker Faire 2014 to show the latest version of his bionic boots.

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