A Couple Got An Unexpected Surprise After They Heard A Loud Noise While On A Fishing Trip.

A couple from James Island, South California got an unexpected surprise while they were on a fishing trip on the sea off Homossassa in Florida. Kitsy and Billie Wise were on a vacation when a dolphin decided to come with them.

While watching a group of dolphins in the sea, the couple heard a loud noise and they were surprised when they saw a dolphin on the boat. The sea animal, which has an estimated weight of 400 to 500 pounds, ended up squirming on the boat.

Fortunately, the dolphin was safely returned to the water when the captain of the boat, Rick Spratt called some rescuers. The dolphin was lifted by the responders using towels.

What we did not see on the video is, the dolphin hit Kitsy on the back near the waist and threw her to the console (ouch).

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