See How This Cute Gecko Climbs Onto Dog’s Back, It Will Make Your Day

There are a lot of people who loves adopting weird and creepy animals like reptiles. It look so weird adopting reptiles at home, you’ll really get shocked and surprise by the time you see these pets in person. What do you think is the weirdest pet that you’ll never try adopting?

One of the weirdest reptiles that will often freak you out once you see it near to you is the Gecko, but it seems the owner of these pets on the video is really an animal lover. He took a video of his 2 pets at home, seems like that these 2 animals are best buddies!

His Leopard Gecko named Gollum is trying to climb onto the back of his Boston terrier named Oscar. Looks like Gollum’s feet keep on slipping and he can’t get a good grip. Oscar looks so used to this gecko because this happen all the time! They are one of the cutest animal buddies!

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