This House Was Turned Into A Halloween Light Show.

Halloween is just around the corner. People now have been preparing for the spookiest day and some have already started to decorate their houses although it’s not yet the day of trick-or-treat party.

The common Halloween decorations that we always see everywhere are pumpkins and spider webs, and it’s too mainstream.  So if you are looking for a new idea that could make your design unique and eye-catching, this is for you.

The owner of this house named Nick Tomas in Naperville, Illinois has turned his residence at  into a musical light show. He decorated it with full of lights and familiar pumpkin faces was moving to Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

Now, I wonder how much did the owner spent for the lights and electricity bills or how long did it took for him to perfect this. Well, it was all worth it.

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