This Man Just Proved How Cruel People Are Sometimes. This Might Feel You Guilty In Some Way.

We people are believed ‘judgmental in nature’. We are sometimes close-minded and talks of weird differences other people have. It’s a sin almost every one of us is making.

And mostly happens, the people who are judged and mocked are those who are considered ‘special’ to what our eyes sees. Unknown to us, there have been so many people who experienced discernment and have been scorned mercilessly.

One of them is this man, 22 years of age Jonathan Novick. Unlike most of us, Novick suffered from unexpected abnormality known as Achondroplasia, which is a form of dwarfism. He happened to diagnosed with this when he was still young.

But despite of his difference, he was loved by his family and friends, but everything turned out when he moved to New York City. He discovered that pain is often caused by people who don’t know him personally- people who are too judgmental just because his appearance is different.

Novick wanted to show the harassment he encountered as a little person, to at least change what people think of him, and share this awareness, so he planned out a mission. He wore a hidden camera and created a documentary about his story.

Like what the video flaunted, Novick was painfully harassed by the public. He was judged- being stared at, screamed at, compared to and called by names anyone in his shoes don’t want to hear.

Novick’s story is very disturbing to even think of but it serves a lesson to all of us. It simply states that “we should not be so quick to judge, because we never know when we might just find ourselves walking in that person’s shoes.”

Novick ended his documentary saying, “I wanted to stop telling people what happened to me. I wanted to show people what happened to me.”

 “Judging a person doesn’t define who they are.. it defines who you are”– Anonymous

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