A Half-goat & A Half-sheep, A Geep? Yes, A Geep! Would You Believe It’s Real?

Goats and sheep are just familiar animals to everybody. They can be a good source of meat. They are both usually kept in a livestock. Perhaps, are also very closely related to each other.

But what if a goat and a sheep will have their family? Would their offspring be a geep? Well, actually it can be. It would be the result if a mother goat and a father sheep or vice versa will love each other. Then, let nature will just take its course. It is some kind of a genetic hybrid animal. 

It’s actually a contender on the coolest animal combination in the world. It’s name is Butterfly the Geep.

Butterfly has goat feet and a goat face and the rest could be decided as sheep according to it’s owner. It is currently residing at a mobile petting zoo in Africa.

Watch this video.

At first, you can’t really imagine that animals also fall in love on a strange way. Well, I guess it’s really the great thing only love can give. This simply means that no one is really exempted.

The baby Geep is actually a miracle. Cute love story,indeed.

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