Tired Of Being Lonely?? This Is How It Feels When You Are Single! How Sad!

In a relationship, we can never avoid problems and troubles, but it will make or help us become a better person. We are committing ourselves to the person we love if we are in a relationship. Other said that it is better to be single compared if you are in a relationship.

Being single is also nice since we can have our own freedom and choice for our lives. It is freeing our self into a commitment for a person, and enjoying this with your love ones or families. But is it really nice to be a single person?

Here are some weird photos how we look like when we are single!

1. There are a lot of lovers especially at the beach

2. Making out with a picture

3. Dining out with a Ghost

4. This is your bed

5. Yeah, vodka costs less

6. The doctor knows it all

7. The tree also likes you as a friend

8. Throw away your phone

9. Cuddling with your pillow

10. Hanging out with them is worst

Have you ever felt this feeling before? If you are not enjoying your single life, then go outside and meet someone! It is not the end of your life yet! There are a lot of boys/girls waiting for you!

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