Witness How This 104-year-old Woman Got Her Best Gift Ever. So Touching!

Happiness is a mental or emotional state having positive or pleasant emotion. It will range from contentment then a complete joy. Most of the time, people chooses to be happy than any other thing in the world. Two things will just help you in achieving happiness. It may be so hard for you, but also it may be so easy.

But then, human in nature will always do whatever it takes just to have what they wanted.

One great form of happiness is to be a die hard fan of a certain celebrity. It may be individual, a group or a team. In which, i’ll introduce Helen Moser. She is 104 years old and a die hard fan of Philadelphia Flyers since 1967. Even if she migrated to the US from Germany, she still finds time to support and get updates on her idols.

Watch this video.

The video shows Helen Moser being the long time die hard fan of Philadelphia Flyers.

She was given a Flyer themed party by her retirement community on her birthday. This includes a very special guest.

On her birthday celebration, she was given a cake by the Flyer legend Bob “The Hound” Kelly. He stopped and greet Miss Moser in her 104th birthday. He also gave her a very unique gift.

The next thing happened is really unforgettable for Miss Moser. Kelly then lend her the Stanley cup ring. That put the tears of Miss Moser showing that she is really happy and thankful for the gift given to her.

Indeed, gifts are not really on its price or anything, it’s about the heart of the giver. It’s not about little or big things, it is about happiness.

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